








这是原H.M.S. Wellesley,在泰晤士河口被俯冲轰炸机命中沉没。

至于问题本身,‘击穿“甲板”’大多数时候不会有严重后果。战列舰承受‘积累性’损伤的能力是极强的(俾斯麦,威尔士亲王,南达科他,大和,etc)。有问题的是击穿装甲甲板,尤其是主装甲甲板威胁到下轮机舱、弹药库或者传动装置的情况,此时就可能会出现‘重伤(critical damage)’。而和炮弹/鱼雷命中一样,如果出现弹药库殉爆,那么舰艇大概率会损失掉(比如胡德、巴勒姆、陆奥、罗马,etc)。这是限制老舰活动范围的最大要素之一。


亚利桑那,标准的标准战列舰。第一层连贯甲板在Y炮塔高度,按照美式命名规则为主甲板/第一甲板。此下总计有两层完全连贯的甲板(依次第二、第三甲板),向上有一层不连续的首楼甲板/上甲板(A炮塔高度)。主装甲甲板是第二甲板,在1929-1931现代化改装之后在弹药库上方厚度达到了4.77in(121mm) STS的水平,从Frame 20延伸到Frame 128。在主装甲甲板下面的有一层龟背/防破片层,厚度在1-2in(25-38-51mm)间。

这是间战/大战期间非常典型的改造舰。其弹药库绝对水平防御厚度上达到了4.8in+1in(不计算backing),高度上达到了第一层全通甲板下第一层的高度(KGV高度或者说英/美战高度,高于纳尔逊、欧洲设计1-2层)。虽然仍然不如‘老’舰中更大者比如密西西比改(5.5in STS+backing装甲甲板,2.75in+backing破片甲板)、纳尔逊(弹药库6.25in)或者长门改(26+70+100mm NVNC);但是和同级别改造舰相比属于较好者。扶桑改装甲甲板不过75mm DS/135mm NVNC;QE改(比如厌战改)的水平防御改动只是在弹药库(1in)贴了4in NC,在动力舱贴了2.5in而已。

亚利桑那的前部弹药库在Frame 31到48之间,任何命中抵达弹药库需要击穿四层甲板(上甲板、主甲板、第二甲板、第三甲板,其中第二第三为装甲甲板;后部弹药库则为三层,不包括上甲板)。


最初(5.2.1942)美方推定该舰在最多8发航弹和1发鱼雷(一说命中在Frame 35附近一说位于舰尾)命中后沉没,但是此后更准确的推定来看更可能只有4-5发穿甲弹命中/近失( Reference (a) found evidence of only five bomb hits, all of which were aft of the foremast structure.)。41年12月17日报告显示分别为:

(1) One 500 lb bomb hit the face plate of #4 turret on the stbd side, glanced off and passed through the deck at Fr. 123, stbd side of the quarterdeck, betwthe Captain's hatch and #4 turret and exploded in the Captain's Pantry, destroying the Captain's Pantry and Admiral's Pantry. A small fire started which apparently burned itself out in a short time.(2) One. 500 lb bomb hit the ship at Fr. 85, port galley deck. Width of hole in deck is about 24 inches in diameter, depth of penetration is not known.(3) One 500 lb or 1000 lb bomb hit at Fr. 96, port side of quarterdeck in M.B. Stowage, depth of penetration is not known, width of hole in deck is approx, 24 inches.(4) One bomb, approx. 1000 lb, hit on the boat deck just fwd of stack, at Fr. 67. Width of hole on boat deck is approx, four feet, depth of penetration is not known.(5) One heavy bomb apparently 1000 or 2000 lb, went down the stack. Extent of damage is not known.(6) One bomb hit, size of bomb not known, on boat deck at Fr. 66, portside, by #4 Antiaircraft gun ammunition hoist, extent of damage done by this bomb is not known.(7) One heavy bomb hit, estimated over 1000 lb, at Fr. 73, portside of boat deck just fwd of the incinerator, by #6 Antiaircraft gun. The extent of damage done by this bomb is not known.(8) Apparently one large, possibly 2000 lb, armor piercing bomb hit forecastle by #2 turret, which it is believed penetrated to the black powder magazines, setting off the smokeless powder magazines adjacent and causing the explosion which destroyed the ship fwd.


一发命中在舰尾Y炮塔后进入后方右舷附近的位置(Frame 119-Frame 123),似乎未击穿至主装甲甲板,造成第二甲板以上起火;一到三发命中了左舷舰体中段,引燃了防空炮弹药点摧毁了部分火炮和厨房;一发命中了后桅前方舰载艇甲板上,穿深不明;一发重型航弹命中了B号炮塔右舷方向(Frame 44)。这发命中美方推定为2000lb左右,此后该舰殉爆后坐沉。


There is no doubt that the smokeless powder magazines detonated. It is not clear, however, what initiated the smokeless powder detonation.


A bomb detonation within the smokeless powder magazines presumably could cause a detonation, although smokeless powder as such is not an unusually severe hazard. The Army's experience indicates that it is difficult to detonate smokeless powder as the result of fire, unless confinement, temperature, pressure, and high density of loading are present. Our own war experience has indicated that an appreciable interval of time (longer than 7 seconds) is required for these factors to build up and create a mass detonation following a fire.

考虑到命中后8秒左右的起爆时间,直接击穿引起殉爆是可能的。其他的解释主要涉及其他引爆的方法,有人认为有防火舱门没有密封引起高温进入了药室,有人推测是附近的黑火药引燃后点燃了无烟药包,也有人认为附近的燃油被引燃后进入了弹药库。报告也倾向于这一点。最终总结认为,无疑有一发航弹击穿了首楼甲板/上甲板(Summarizing, there seems to be no doubt that at least one bomb struck and penetrated the forecastle deck in the vicinity of either turret I or turret II.)这发航弹要么直接击穿了弹药库引起了爆炸,要么引起了首楼大火最终引燃了弹药库:

This bomb, and possibly others, caused an intense fire which shortly covered the entire forecastle. Burning oil on the surface of the water was ignited. Approximately 7 seconds after the start of this fire and after the initial bomb detonation, the main magazines exploded, almost completely destroying the ship forward of frame 70, Undoubtedly, the smokeless powder magazines detonated en masse. Whether this mass detonation resulted from a bomb detonation within either the smokeless powder or black powder magazines or whether it was initiated by fire traveling down thru open hatches to the black powder magazine is unknown; but the time involved between the first bomb detonation and the detonation of the main Magazines (approximately 7 seconds) and the visible intense fire above the waterline makes the latter supposition the more reasonable.









